This is a regular tiled window.
This is a psuedo-floating urgent window.
This is a floating window. Note the extra border.

A herbstluftwm theme generator.
Mess around with the settings below and see how it changes the render to the left. Once you've picked some settings that you like, you can copy the output at the bottom right into your ~/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart file. If you find any bugs or have some feedback: email me at scum@memeware.net or at https://github.com/tecate

General Settings

Background Settings

Background Color

xsetroot -solid

Window Background Color

hc attr theme.background_color

The color behind window contents only visible on resize. This will be represented in the render as the window background color.

Background Image

feh --bg-* [path]

You will need to use a local copy in your autostart. This requires feh.

Background Display

feh --bg-* [path]

How to apply the background image. Using feh.

Other Settings

Monitor Padding


Padding around outside of monitor. Use this to make room for your bars/panels.

Top: Right: Bottom: Left:

Window Gap

hc set window_gap

The gap between windows within one frame in the tiling mode.

Window Borders

Inner Border

Inner Border Width

hc attr theme.inner_width

The width of the innermost border on all windows.

Inner Border Active Color

hc attr theme.active.inner_color

The color of the innermost border on focused windows.

Inner Border Inactive Color

hc attr theme.inner_color

The color of the innermost border on unfocused windows.

Outer Border

Outer Border Width

hc attr theme.border_width

This needs to be big enough to contain your inner border width. Whatever this value is, minus your inner border width will be the size of your outer border.

Outer Border Active Color

hc attr theme.active.color

The color of the outermost border on tiled windows and the middle border on floating windows when focused.

Outer Border Inactive Color

hc attr theme.normal.color

The color of the outermost border on tiled windows and the middle border on floating windows when unfocused.

Outer Border Urgent Color

hc attr theme.urgent.color

The color of the outermost border on tiled windows and the middle border on floating windows when the window is in an urgent state.

Floating Borders

Floating Middle Border Width

hc attr theme.floating.border_width

This needs to be big enough to contain your inner border width and floating outer border width. Whatever this value is, minus your inner border width and floating outer border with will be the size of your middle border.

Floating Outer Border Width

hc attr theme.floating.outer_width

The width of the outer most border on floating windows.

Floating Outer Border Inactive Color

hc attr theme.floating.outer_color

The color of the outer most border on floating windows.

Frame Styles

Frame Settings

Frame Gap

hc set frame_gap

Margin around outside of frames

Frame Padding

hc set frame_padding

Padding around windows inside a frame. This stacks on top of window_gap.

Always Show Frame

hc set always_show_frame

If set, all frames are displayed. If unset, only frames with focus or with windows in it are displayed.

Frame Border

Frame Border Width

hc set frame_border_width

The width of the frame border.

Transparent Frame Border Width

hc set frame_transparent_width

Specifies the width of the remaining frame colored with frame_bg_active_color if frame_bg_transparent is set.

Frame Border Active Color

hc set frame_border_active_color

The color of the frame border when focused.

Frame Border Inactive Color

hc set frame_border_normal_color

The color of the frame border when unfocused.

Frame Background

Transparent Frame Background

hc set frame_bg_transparent

If checked the background of the frame will be transparent.

Frame Background Active Color

hc set frame_bg_active_color

The background color of the frame if focused.

Frame Background Inactive Color

hc set frame_bg_normal_color

The background color of the frame if unfocused.

Config Output